Poetry General Submissions

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Thank you for your interest in submitting poetry to Terrain.org. You may view our full submission guidelines at terrain.org/submit/regular-submission-guidelines.

Submit from 2 to 6 poems of any length plus your cover letter (if not pasted below) in a single document.

Poetry need not follow any particular form. Terrain.org’s Poetry section may include multiple works from single authors as well as single works from single authors. In addition to text poems, we consider poem/image combinations, video poems, image poems, hybrid forms, and online chapbooks that may contain more than 6 poems. Photos or other graphics may be inserted into the document, but if accepted will be requested as separate files.

View our recent poetry at www.terrain.org/category/poetry.

We do not accept previously published poetry.

Submittable is now requiring email validation. If you have difficulty validating your email, you may complete the form at www.submittable.com/help/submitter.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.